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How to Unbox Your Allure Mattress

How to Unbox Your Allure Mattress

Your Allure Sleep mattress just arrived, and you’re ready to begin your nights of luxurious sleep! But first, you’ve got to unbox your new mattress. We know you’re excited and eager to transform your sleep experience, so we’ve put together this step-by-step guide to help you unbox your mattress with ease.

You can read the step by step guide below, or watch the video below

What you’ll need:

  • A knife or scissors 
  • Open space 

Step 1: Before you start to unbox your mattress, make sure that you are next to your bed frame. This will make it easier to move onto the frame once you’ve unboxed the mattress.

Allure box Sitting Beside Bed

Step 2: Lay the box down onto the ground, and open the flaps on the side of the box.

Opening the Allure Sleep box

Step 3: Pull the rolled mattress out of the box onto the floor. It will be wrapped in protective plastic.  

Sliding Mattress Out Of Box

Step 4: Remove the excess plastic by rolling out the mattress as if you are setting up a sleeping bag. Keep a foot on the edge of the mattress to make sure it does not roll away. Remove the plastic.

Man rolling out his mattress wrapped in plastic

Step 5: Now that the mattress is free from the excess plastic, hold onto the head of the mattress, and once again, roll like a sleeping bag.

Man Rolling Out Mattress Without Plastic

Step 6: You will notice that the mattress is inside a tight plastic casing. Take a knife or scissors, and cut the casing away from the mattress near the head or foot of the bed. Make sure you do not pierce the mattress when cutting.

Hands Cutting Plastic Around Mattress

Step 7: Now that you have cut open the casing on one side, you can lift up the plastic and let the mattress fill with air. The mattress will expand on it’s own.

Hand unwrapping mattress to let air in

Man Watching Mattress Inflate

Step 8: Once the mattress is fully inflated, cut away and remove the casing.

Man Removing Plastic From Mattress

Step 9: Enjoy the best sleep of your life.

Man Jumping Onto Mattress

That’s it! You’re ready to enjoy your new mattress, and a night of the best sleep you’ve ever had. If you have any questions, contact us at AllureSleep@gmail.com.